The children practice among themselves as laboratories how to pray for the sick at the same time who develop faith to accompany with works what they believe,
Underestimating the faith of children is the most common mistake of the traditional Church.
Apostle Rubèn Arroyo
CIDRA Kids Ministry is the children's ministry of CIDRA Church
which provides teachings to children from 2 to 13 years of age. We have an excellent group of teachers who teach children that there is no little Holy Spirit and that they are instruments of God from an early age.
Every Sunday and Thursday we deliver the teachings of the Apostle Rubén Arroyo in a simple, fun, creative and practical way, keeping the content, revelation and moving of the house. In the same way, on Tuesdays we expose ourselves to an experience of intimacy with the Father through adoration in order to connect with heaven from Earth.
Within the walls of the Children Church the identity of CIDRA Kids as children of God is molded with the knowledge that they can heal the sick, raise the dead, and bring the word of God to others, Matthew 10: 8. there, where many movements have transformed and shaped the culture of the Kingdom of CIDRA Church. It is common to see children powerfully participate in activities and conferences that take place at home, experiencing the supernatural power of the Father. Similarly, CIDRA Kids collaborates with other ministries, where they have the opportunity to take what they have learned in their classrooms to the streets of our city.
The children of CIDRA Kids know that they are part of CIDRA Church, lugafuerte, desired city. We comply with the slogan: "Normal ... but not common" that our Apostle decrees about the ministry.